Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Different Types of Reefs

To start off our exploration of the coral reef, let us first identify the three different types of reefs. First, perhaps the most well-known around the world is the barrier reef (Great Barrier Reef, AUS!) that is separated from the shore by a channel or lagoon.
Next, there are fringing reefs, such as those in the Bahamas. The particular fringing reef pictured below is off of the coast of Israel. Fringing reefs have very little space between them in the shoreline or practically sprout up off the shoreline.
Lastly, atoll reefs completely surround a lagoon. They are often formed over old volcano tips and are found mostly in the Pacific Ocean. Well, there ya have it! Next, we will go into the abiotic and biotic factors of these incredibly diverse reefs. Check back soon!

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